This past weekend was a huge hit for the Dutch Dome Open. I really should get business cards made up because everyone wants to know when the outing is and what the website is. I guess people actually read this thing. I'm gonna say its mostly for the pictures that I post up but still. I had people asking me all about it this past weekend and got another 3 or 4 foursomes that saying they are playing this year. Now the big word there is that these people are "saying" they are going to play. Trying to plan something is a bitch but trying to plan something with Hofstra Lacrosse players is nearly impossible. With the growing interest of the outing increasing I have to say I don't know about a shotgun start because that would mean we'd have to tee off early. I couldn't last past 10:30pm last year after drinking all day and I only started around noon. I'm thinking I might rather have the 1st group tee off around 12:30 and then every other group tee off after that. Idk we'll see though. I'll keep everyone updated. Big win this past weekend for Hofstra as they got the 1st win ever at the new meadowlands stadium. No one can ever take that away from the program that's for sure. Keep spreading the word!

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