500 Hits Baby!! Halfway to my goal of a 1,000 by the outing.
As for an update on the outing, I just need everyone's foursomes or if you aren't in a foursome, let me know if you are a definite yes. Soon I'm gonna start collecting money so I need to know how many people I'm having. The cost depends on the number of tshirts I need to order and how many kegs and food I have to get so let me know ASAP if you are coming or not. The Tshirts won't be made up until I give them a number of shirts so even if you have already told me, tell me again. Call me or Email me at timtreubig@hotmail.com. These are the guys that I have as definites for the outing.
Me, Patrick M, Dean M, Orsen, Bonaguro, Moyer, Kelaher, Chris U, Gorman, Lol, TI, Skudin, Lucas, Denapoli, Tim, Walt, & Rob.
That's 18 guys but I have around 15 other guys that haven't said they are 100% & without a doubt coming but said they are intending on going. If I include those guys I have 8 groups as of now. I want more people!! That's what we had last year. If I don't have you on the list as 100% yes, then let me know. Somehow get in contact with me. So get your shit together! I'm gonna speak to more guys tonight about the outing at my sweet club lax playoff game so hopefully I can get another foursome all set to go.
Me, Patrick M, Dean M, Orsen, Bonaguro, Moyer, Kelaher, Chris U, Gorman, Lol, TI, Skudin, Lucas, Denapoli, Tim, Walt, & Rob.
That's 18 guys but I have around 15 other guys that haven't said they are 100% & without a doubt coming but said they are intending on going. If I include those guys I have 8 groups as of now. I want more people!! That's what we had last year. If I don't have you on the list as 100% yes, then let me know. Somehow get in contact with me. So get your shit together! I'm gonna speak to more guys tonight about the outing at my sweet club lax playoff game so hopefully I can get another foursome all set to go.
Mike Unt and Jacovina are in as a twosome, might need to pair up with another couple guys. Also Dikmanis might have a foursome of him, dooley and reilly. (forgot the other name he said)
And Nick Gunn said he might have a foursome as well.. Keep me updated with the foursomes guys.
Mike Unt and Jacovina are in as a twosome, might need to pair up with another couple guys. Also Dikmanis might have a foursome of him, dooley and reilly. (forgot the other name he said)
And Nick Gunn said he might have a foursome as well.. Keep me updated with the foursomes guys.

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